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"B&C's people are delightful to work with and always give me individual attention. I guess you can say they are user-friendly."

Bartram & Cochran welcomes you to learn more about how we can chart a strategic course for your real estate needs. We have a presence in many cities across the nation. Please contact:

One Gold Street, Suite 20-B
Hartford, CT 06103
860.549.5000 tel
860.525.5700 fax
Maura Cochran

New York

To receive our qualifications package, please call us or email your request to Maura Cochran. Be sure to include your contact information including your name, company, mailing address, and your general needs.

Please feel free to send us your resume, which we will keep on file, confidentially, for any future openings. Mail resume or email to Maura Cochran.